Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's a boy!

We still can't believe it, but we are so excited to meet our son! We had our detailed ultrasound and so far everything looks good! Baby is nice and healthy... She couldn't quite see everything because of the way the baby was turned and he didn't want to change position! SO we get to go back again in 3 weeks for another one. I'm not complaining I love to see how much our baby has grown and I love to watch him rub his little face! It's so cute! It almost made me cry! ha So we are overjoyed to be having a son and we definitely cannot wait to meet him! Only a few more months...

Monday, September 7, 2009

5 months! what?

Hopefully in a week we'll know what we're having!
Still feeling really good can't believe how fast the time is going!
I love feeling little kicks and flutters. Baby likes to roll around when I'm doing yoga!
We're excited to know if there's a little boy or girl in there... we'll know soon enough!