Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New blog....


i will (hopefully) be posting on that one everyday!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Going on walks with my family is the best.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My sweet little Oliver

Me: "Oliver I love you!"
Oliver: "La la!"

It's pretty much the cutest thing ever...
He melts my heart.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


We went hiking and this boy loved it.
He had so much fun.

This is definitely something we'll be doing more often.....

now that I'm not a handicapped pregnant lady :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Where does the time go?

I have been having a really hard time with managing my time and getting done
everything that needs to get done in a day.
I didn't really have a problem with it before Carter got here.
BUT THEN he was born and now my work load feels like it's quadrupled.
Carter's on a set schedule which really helps and Oliver is on a loose schedule
and he's pretty flexible which is nice!
If he doesn't go down for his nap at precisely the right time he's just fine.
This week has been a fresh start and I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of things.
Balancing babies being fed, changed, and napped.
Feeding myself, taking a shower, doing laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, exercising, and seeing
all of the things that still need to be organized and given a proper place
and thinking of doing it (that alone makes me tired).
It's getting better and Kaleb has been super patient and loving through the transition.
Not to mention a lifesaver seeing that he's been such a tremendous help.
The little things make the biggest difference and I don't think he realizes how much that means to me!
Being married to a wonderful husband and Daddy is the best! <3

Anyways if anyone comes over to my house you probably won't see past the living room
just so you know :) The rest is better left unseen!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Five weeks later

I have officially hit the twenty pound weight loss mark! 
This is great seeing that I only gained thirty-one pounds this time.
Right after I had Oliver(and before I got pregnant with Carter) I was able to get
below my pre-pregnancy weight!
Although I only got to enjoy that for a few months :)
I'm hoping this time I'll be just as lucky. Not without the hard work of course!
It's been five weeks since I had baby Carter.
At three weeks postpartum I started running 3.5 miles
(almost) everyday.
It's a little harder to get out having two kids
but thankfully my awesome sisters watch the boys while I go.
I see it as a nice little 30 min break for me and I come back refreshed and ready
to chase Oliver around, change more diapers, feed Carter, etc.
all while trying to juggle dishes, laundry, and routine housecleaning.
I try not to stress out about the housework too much as long as I'm enjoying the boys
and making sure they are well taken care of. It's been fun!

Later this month I'm going (as well as Carter & Oliver) with my family
to Disneyland. We are all so excited to take Oliver!
Carter won't enjoy it too much yet, but Oliver is going to love it!
Hopefully it won't be too hot or too crowded.
There will definitely be pictures!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

my plump little heart....

is full of love

for these two cuties.

i am beyond blessed.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Carter Lee Baker

Born February 23, 2011
At 6:57 am
Weight: 7 pounds even
Length: 20 inches

The labor was very different this time seeing that I didn't even know I WAS in labor. Almost didn't even go into the hospital. My mom had to talk me into it and I felt like the biggest idiot going in and saying "Well I'm not contracting but I need to be checked!" Everyone looked at me like "Right....". Turns out I was contracting every 5 minutes just didn't feel them or felt very few of them and my labor ended up stopping once I dilated to 7. The doctor of course did not want to send me home at that point seeing that I probably would have had him at home or on the way to the hospital! He started me on pitocin which didn't really work so he eventually just broke my water and he was born an hour and 2 pushes later. He is so sweet and has a big brother who is pretty fond of him. Oliver started saying "brother" and "Carter" as soon as we brought him home and even asks for him when he wakes up in the morning. We are so blessed and I love being the mommy of two little boys. They are precious!

Life is much busier and I feel like I'm non stop 24/7 seeing that at night I'm up every 2 hours feeding and changing a baby. But I love it and am so grateful to have been blessed with two healthy beautiful babies and an amazing husband who takes care of all of us. He's a great daddy and works really hard for our family. We love being a family of four!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

36 weeks

Thankfully we got our guest room and bathroom (almost) completely done over the last couple of weekends! We're still a month away from our due date, but the doctor thinks Carter might be here in the next week or two at the most!

 What?? In the next week??

This is crazy to think about! Although we got done what we needed to get done we now have a clogged kitchen sink that we haven't fixed and stuff still strewn about from painting and rearranging things! Not to mention the fact that Oliver just started another round of teething with some congestion which makes it hard for him to breathe. So he's been a little under the weather and has been having a little bit of a hard time sleeping at night. I hope it clears up soon. It'll be hard enough for him to adjust to sharing everything with a new little brother and getting used to hearing him cry! He's a trooper though and will do just fine! I really don't think the baby will care if things are out of order around here, but it would be nice to get everything back to normal before he arrives... we'll see what happens in the next week or so!

I have been having contractions and have been feeling a lot more like things are moving in that direction! We'll see how long Carter decides to wait to make his appearance. We can't wait to meet him! And we can't wait to introduce him to his big brother! So we wait.... and scramble to get everything together! Probably just to wait some more.... but thats okay. We're excited to know that any day now we'll be bringing home a new baby!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh if only

If I had $500+ laying around I would definitely be purchasing this stroller!

It's the only one that I've found that's light and fits into a compact trunk.

And not to mention the fact that it's not the size of a car!

I would not mind taking the boys on daily walks in this beauty....


Monday, January 31, 2011

34 weeks

6 weeks left until my due date....

but I'm thinking Carter will be here well before that.

He's already dropped and I've been having contractions that are starting to get more painful.

The doctor's been keeping a close check on things and says that Carter was measuring

to be about 5 lbs as of 2 weeks ago.

This will definitely be a good thing if he comes early.

If he's on time or late he's going to be big!

Let's think positive!

Oliver was born at 38 weeks and weighed 7 lbs 3 ounces.

I'm hoping Carter is around the same size. We'll see...

I already have my hospital bag (somewhat) packed just to be safe...

His drawers and clothes (somewhat) organized for his arrival...

and have yet to put his bed and carseat together.

But really I'm just trying to stay on top of laundry and household duties!

Not to mention this extra above and beyond stuff...

(like finishing their room or hmm maybe the guest room that their Grandma Baker will be staying in!)

We'll see where we're at in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oliver's list of tricks at 12 months

At 12 months Oliver is......
           a crazy crawler...
           standing on his own (and even pulls some dance moves while he's at it)...
           walking around objects but doesn't really take any steps by himself yet...
           eating anything and everything put into his mouth....
           loving anything musical (preferably the guitar or musical drums he just got)...

He loves:
           his Papa...
           visiting Dad at work for lunch......
           laying in his crib.....
           going on walks in his wagon...
           playing toys at home with Mom and Dad...
Words he says...
           "No no no!"
           "Mama" & "Dada" of course!
           "Num nums" (for food)
            "Bye bye"
            "Night night"
            "All done!" (with his cute little hands in the air)
             "Hoo hoo!" (when you ask him what the owl says)
              and some other words that I can't think of right now....

He's tried to say "Tyler" and "Beth" and "bugs" and "thank you" but has only successfully said half of the word..... he's pretty stinkin cute. I enjoy watching him learn and grow and change... he's 1 now! Growing up too fast....

I love that boy....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday to my boy!

January 19, 2010 at 3:16 am
this little cuteness was born
and my heart plumped up with love 

one year later he's just as cute
and i love him 10,000 times more
which I didn't think was possible