Monday, September 8, 2008

Nice & Sunny

I went running today...yay! It was nice and warm and felt so good to get out and get some good old excercise :) Starting out kinda slow because I'm so out of sad. But working my way up! We're going to the lake on Wednesday with some people from church and we're really looking forward to it.... maybe i'll even get my tan back! I get to work tonight til midnight and wake up in the morning to go take a test! I've been walking to and from school everyday and I really enjoy it! So much better than jumping in the car and driving in circles looking for a parking spot! And it's better for you...Looking forward to not having to work until Friday and having this next weekend off! Better get back to studying!!

1 comment:

Becky and Caleb said...

You guys are going wakeboarding with Aaron and crew huh? Lucky! I wish we could go but it's always on a weekday....
Normally they go on Thursdays (every other) and Caleb has this Thursday off work and then they decide to switch it up and go Wednesday so he still can't go. :( Take pics and have fun!!!!