Monday, July 20, 2009

Meet bitty baby...

12 weeks... as you can see I will definitely be ginormously huge by the time 9 months roles around. Hopefully all 5' 3/4" of me can handle it :) I'm hoping we can find out what we're having in just a few weeks...


Carrie said...

Awww soo cute!!!

beckybarnfather said...

Holy cow! You are you're not really! I hope that you grow increasingly more beautiful as you get a bigger belly :) I wasn't so lovely, literally WAS a whale or cow! Take monthly's fun! Love, Aunt Becky

Unknown said...

You are precious Whitney! You look so cute! I'm so thankful for computers and digital cameras so I can keep up with the progress lol. I can't wait for you to find out what baby will be. Enjoy these few months of pregnancy! Love you!

Dana Baker said...

Whittles, I really don't think it's possible for you to be ginormously huge.