Monday, September 27, 2010

It has begun...

The separation anxiety has officially started, but only at nighttime of course! Oliver has been the BEST sleeper ever since he was born. he would go 5 hour stretches from the day he was born and at 6 weeks started sleeping 10 hours and soon after 12 hours. About 3 weeks ago he caught a cold that made him really congested, so it was a little harder for him to breath at night. He would wake up screaming I would cuddle him until he calmed down and put him back to bed. This would happen maybe 3 times a night... now he thinks this wonderful cuddle time should happen every night which don't get me wrong I love cuddling him but we need sleep too! Especially since there's another little bundle on the way! So last night was the first night of cry yourself to sleep/back to sleep and boy was it rough! An hour plus of screaming just to fall asleep and a couple more little crying fits in the middle of the night. I'm tired. He's tired. He's been waking up at 7 am everyday and has not been napping well. So please pray this ends soon so we can rest up in preparation for more sleepless nights.... I love my little Oliver and he brings so much joy, but it has been a little rough lately!

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