Thursday, December 9, 2010

Recent Happenings

So much has happened the last couple of months, I've been too busy to even post about what has been going on! So here is a quick update on life with the Bakers...

First off we're having another little BOY...

His name will be Carter Lee Baker. He is set to arrive in March, we'll see when he decides to show his cute little face.... I think Oliver is going to love him! He adores other babies so I think he'll handle it really well. I am almost 27 weeks pregnant and can't believe how fast time is going! He's due in just 13 weeks!!!! Oh my goodness.... can't wait to meet him. 

Also, we have moved! Finally! We moved in at the end of October, we've just been painting and cleaning and moving everything in. All we really have left to do now is painting a few more rooms. Hopefully by the time Carter is born they'll all be done, but if not OH WELL! It's still home and we still enjoy it!

If you want/need our new address just let me know and I'll get it to you! Oh and come see us we love visitors!

Kaleb was very sweet and bought me a sewing machine! I still have a few more tools I need to get before I can really get into it, but I've been trying to teach myself a little bit until then and it's pretty fun so far! I can't wait to start making some awesome stuff! And maybe one day open my own etsy shop....we'll see! 

I am officially a home body! I stopped working to stay home with the boys, and I'm really excited about it! So far I absolutely love it! It's so much better for Oliver too. I need some time to enjoy just him before Carter gets here. Give him some special love and attention before he has to share me with someone else... At the same time I can't wait to throw Carter into the mix and embrace the changes in our little family. God has blessed us with two little boys and a new house all in one year! We weren't expecting to be in the position that God has put us in, but we are so grateful that He has. He constantly provides for our every need and even gives us extra :) We are very very thankful!

The Bakers

1 comment:

OrganizingMadeFun said...

That's so very exciting...remember to ask Grandma for sewing help because she's an amazing seamstress and can sew just about anything! I hope it works out well and you stay home forever for your boys :)

Aunt Becky